How to make money in the audio niche?

The music industry is full of exciting opportunities for business, part-time jobs and freelance work. From creating your own audio content to monetizing vocal data, the possibilities are virtually limitless. Discover a selection of ideas on how to make the most out of your audio expertise. We have compiled a selection of income-generating ideas that are ideal for people with a musical background, music devotees and audio content creators. The options are randomly amalgamated for maximum variety.

1. Conducting music classes online

Music instruction has been very much influenced by the growth of online learning opportunities. This new way of studying is here to stay and can be used effectively to help students learn how to play instruments. Videoconferencing classes present certain disadvantages such as the absence of direct interaction between the student and instructor, in addition to technical failures and spotty internet connections. However, they also provide an opportunity for teachers to reach a larger audience locally, nationally and even globally.

2. Selling audio content

You don’t need to invest much in order to start earning income by selling audio content. A laptop/desktop with a DAW, studio headphones, external sound card, and a mic are all that’s needed. Plus, an eagerness to get creative – and you’re good to go!

  There are three main directions:

  1. Beatmaking is an effective way to get your music out there. You can compose beats for a certain style and make them available on reputable sites like or Furthermore, you can market yourself through social media and targeted campaigns to expand visibility and reach;
  2. This is a new direction called “State Production,” which involves creating and selling full-fledged songs with music, lyrics, and vocals. Both private clients for congratulations and vocalists/singers who do not know how, cannot, or do not want to create something of their own can buy such audio content;
  3. Sampling and synthesizing is the creation of libraries of unique sounds. The abundance of supply on the market is great, but some artists may search thoroughly for unusual sounds. Samples and sounds can be found in stores like Loopmaster and Splice.

In order to place your music on audio services, you must either be a member of a label or use the services of a distributor. There are various streaming sites that not only allow you to place compositions, but also to improve them.

3. Creation of custom music/songs

If a musician creates his own music, then he can sell the lyrics, the music, and the entire composition to other performers. It is now extremely difficult to reach out directly to well-known performers without the help of intermediaries. Therefore, recording studios and music agencies offer artists the work of novice authors.

Earnings here cannot be stable and monthly, as this is project work. Music may be required for a movie, series, TV show, or commercial.

4. Selling music to entertainment venues

When selling music, pay attention to the niche of sound accompaniment for today’s popular entertainment venues, such as escape rooms, laser tags, virtual reality quests, fear rooms, rage rooms, and other similar activities. Negotiating with such establishments is much easier than reaching out to famous artists or filmmakers, and they are available in almost every city. As a rule, the music here plays in the background, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the room, décor, and scenario.

5. Renting a rehearsal space

Perhaps, in your search for a business, you should not focus on music but look for related areas. Many musicians are familiar with the difficulty of finding the right rehearsal space. If many musical groups in your city face the same trouble, then it makes sense to consider creating such a point and renting it out.

6. Music car tuning business

In most cars, music systems are installed according to the “if only there was” principle, causing many car owners to seriously consider buying better “music”. For businesses in the car audio industry, there is no shortage of consumers. Opening up a retail store selling these products is the most convenient and in-demand option for entrepreneurs.

7. Your own music blog

You don’t have to stick to the traditional paths if you just graduated from a music school. There are many other career options available such as joining a conservatory or orchestra and teaching music at a school. You don’t need to be limited by what has been done before – explore your interests find out what works best for you! As with any other field, you can go beyond the templates and create and promote your own music-themed YouTube blog. The key is to find your niche. Someone may focus on the talk show format, someone may go for humor, someone may include elements of gamification in the video, someone may make interesting content by sorting out mistakes from the lives of famous musicians, and so on. The options here are only limited by one’s imagination.

8. Rent of musical devices

The first jukebox that allowed people to play songs for money appeared in San Francisco in 1889. Back then, one song was valued at fifty cents. After 130 years, these devices not only have not disappeared, but have improved. Typically, music vending machines resemble bank terminals, with special software and a bill acceptor. By depositing money, one can order a song that is loaded into the machine’s memory and even perform it in karaoke. Additionally, these machines come in both retro versions, which are installed in establishments with a corresponding theme, and modern, smart versions, where a song can be chosen and payment for an order can be made through a mobile application.

How can one make money from music vending? There are three main options:

  • Renting out a single square meter of public space could be an excellent way to bring in an extra source of income without any hassle. By renting it out, you can keep all the profits for yourself;
  • Lease the machine to the establishment itself;
  • Rent the machine for various events, such as weddings, children’s parties, shows, and corporate parties.

9. Music therapy as income

There is a profession called music therapy, which works at the intersection of psychology, medicine, and music. Music therapists use music to improve the condition of people with health and developmental disabilities. In the process of providing services, music therapists can sing on their own and use various musical compositions and instruments, depending on the specific task. Additionally, proper breathing techniques are also practiced in the classroom.

10. Selling voice on marketplaces

Today, marketplaces have become increasingly prevalent in our lives, and it is now even possible to sell one’s own voice on them. Voice123 is the world’s most popular voiceover marketplace. The bottom line is that you register on the site, fill out a profile, and then you receive letters with offers from customers. Anyone can be a customer, ranging from a cosmetics manufacturer, a clothing brand, a bank, to an IT startup.

To maximize the potential of Voice123, it is recommended to take your time and carefully complete the profile. Doing this will significantly increase your chances of achieving success through the platform. The demo can be made in various languages (in fact, a Russian accent may be more of an advantage than a disadvantage), with different intonations, such as the voice of an advertiser from TV, a sports commentator, a book reader, an answering machine, or a voice assistant. Some users of the site have uploaded multiple demos to the site.